NaYaBoh - Thank You!
NaYaBoh is an open source project which borrows most of its
talents from other projects. I want to say thank you:
- Squid Proxy for
providing the main functionality to NaYaBoh
- GNU/Linux for the operating system and so many powerful
tools (also thank you Debian and Ubuntu)
- Adzapper, no
more advertisement due to you
- Dnsmasq you
simplify caching and managing of my network
- Perl, you really make
though tasks done fast
- Git, because it's cool to
code offline
- KompoZer allowing simple
editing of HTML as it is rendered (what bluefish is not capable
- Vim, because editing is
fun with you
- ... everybody I forgot (and there are a lot)
Last but not least... Cameroon and it's people around Buea.
You guys and your "challenges" made me have the idea for this
This website is standard
This website was last updated
for the NaYaBoh 0.4.3 and GUI 0.1 release.